The Family |
On the Sunday I met up with a girl called Fiona, a 20 year old Canadian who was also going to WWOOF in Huon Valley with my new hosts Jenny, Bronte and Luke. Jenny was English and from Bedfordshire, Bronte from Adelaide, and Luke was their seven year old son.
They picked us up from the village bus stop and took us to their home buried amongst the hills of Grove in the Huon Valley.
Their house was a gorgeous self-build, and after coming from Michaels it felt like a castle. Everything about it was amazing. It was beautifully built, amazingly decorated and so incredibly homely
Me and Fiona |
Me and Fiona had our own room which we shared with our own bathroom. I really was living in the lap of luxury after staying in a bed that was basically in the living room of Michaels house.
They had the perfect little house complete with two dogs named Rosie and Bruce (although I prefered Rosie Pie and Brucie!) and a cat called Murphy too.
Comfortably stretched in front of the fire! |
Goats! |
On their little family farm they had assortment of animals. There was a herd of goats that much to my delight followed up into the forestry and climbed trees! Two bucks- Seb and Handlebars and my god did they smell! It was supposed to be a luring part of being on heat to attact the female goats but the only thing it attracted was my overwhelming urge to vomit!
They also had four large pens of chickens (which frequently liked to escape and create our very own version of chicken
run!) One poor little rabbit which lived in one of the hen runs which also housed some noisy geese! In addition, were three random peacocks that also lived in one of the chicken runs.
And last but not least were the three cheeky piglets, that I used to play chase with whenever I fed them, however I've since been informed are now only two :( and Blaze and Connor the mummy and daddy pigs.
Connor enjoying some apples
Even though I hadn't driven in years Jenny was keen for me to get behind the wheel of an old suziki she used around the farm. It was so much fun ragging it round and as it was old and a bit battered anyway it wasn't so bad when I bashed or crashed it (which only happened once.. into wooden crate when it shot back in reverse!.. oh and the accident with the shed post!) It was a bit tempermental in reverse and liked to suddenly jump into full speed after being reluctant to start for a while, probably my inexperience as a driver but whatever it was made me wear a seat belt everytime I reversed!
Life was never dull at the Huon farm, even when we went for a general meander into Huonville, the next biggest town, we ended up on swan rescue!A friend of Jenny's had found a injured distressed swan which was passed over to us to rush to the nearest vet.Somehow at the farm me and Fiona managed to get the cold/flu and within a matter of 24hrs we'd gone from being completely ok to dying with fever and congestion- not the most ideal situation when your staying with a family for room and board in return for your work! The family were lovely though and didn't mind at all and told nus to take it easy, but we still managed to continue with at least feeding the animals for the next few days.
Easter Sunday came too and we assisted in an easter egg hunt that Bronte had planned for luke. He'd hidden various eggs and bunnies all across the farm with clues written on them leading to the next egg. Although still being both not very well, me and Fiona weren't much help but we gave some good moral support.
We did get in to the spirit of easter and make bunnie shaped cookies and hotcross buns though and they turned out pretty well if I do say so myself!

On easter monday, as Luke was off school and Bronte had a few days off from work we headed out for the day to the Hertz mountains, just south of the Huon region...and there was snow! I think it was what I really missed at christmas time and here we were in thick snow and it was brilliant!
I left the following friday, leaving Fiona behind and after a last minute swap of media, I went off to my next adventure and on to launceston!
Huon Sunset |
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