Saturday, 1 September 2012

What actually happened?!

Where to begin?

Picture a large clock. As you’re watching the face the minute hand is racing around, with the hour hand not far behind creating a circular blur as they spin.

As more of the surroundings come into view people are moving in fast forward. They’re journeys are a blur, they’re movements unnaturally quick: walking, eating, drinking and laughing.  

You are now as aware of my last two months in Melbourne as I am.

My head feels so full of stuff that’s happened, but if you were to ask me what I’d seen or done I don’t think I could tell you very much.

My memories all feel like a distorted Tim Burton film. I know things happened but my memory of them doesn’t feel quite real.

As with everything I do, I’ve thrown myself into life in Melbourne 110 per cent.

I’m working two jobs, which amount to roughly 50 hours a week- one in a café and another in a bistro.

The café is busy and can be enjoyable although the staff aren’t really my kind and people and there’s not enough positivity for my liking, whereas the bistro has brilliant people and a great positive working environment and is by far my favourite of the two, which is why when offered full time hours I gladly accepted and I am leaving the café in two weeks.

Every free morsel of time I’m doing something.  I’ve become a big fan of the power nap just so I can fit more things into the day.

When I first moved to the city I had this lovely idea that I would have tons of free time and I’d take yoga classes and pick up some new hobbies. Those hobbies have turned out to be eating and drinking out, or as I like to say ’mealing.’

Melbournites love to go mealing. They catch up over coffee, they have reunions over dinner, they chat in the street stood at a pancake stand and review the latest football matches in crowds at bars.

 They are just plain sociable.

People call Melbourne the ‘most liveable city in the world.’ And they’re not wrong.

They’re always some kind of festival on. For instance last week the International Film Festival took over the city, with venues all other showing great films from all over the world and I managed to catch one called Sightseers. A fantastic British dark comedy, funny from start to finish and well worth the watch. Next week the Fringe Festival starts, followed by the beginning of the Melbourne Festival and then Fashion week.

If you’re a ‘doer,’ then get yourself to Melbourne, and if you’re not then you will be when you get here.

So I might not have any idea what I’m doing most of the time and my head might be a blur of activity but I’m enjoying life so much right now that it doesn’t even matter.

I think a good measure of how well your life is going is this: Look in your fridge. Mine’s bare- there’s some grapes and strawberries, an almost full bottle of milk that is close to the use by date and that’s it. I don’t have anything because I am never at home. I am too busy having fun. 

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