Wednesday 14 September 2011

Back in BK

On the 25th afternoon I flew back to BK leaving Laos behind with many fond memories but happy to be returning to beautiful Thailand to go and see the most beautiful places of all- the islands and beaches of the south.

I arrive early evening, and it feel like I returned home. Back in the hustle and bustle of one of the world most renown cities never knowing quite what to expect but always feeling comfortable and excited.

Determined to find a cheaper way into the city from the airport, I headed towards the train station.
One of the greatest perks of travelling is the people you meet along the way, and that Thursday was no exception. Obviously looking very lost at the ticket machine with my map out, no doubt looking like a typical tourist, a local man offered some help which I happily accepted. Showing me which way to go, giving me a better map and even paying for part of my ticket he sent me on the right track... Along with another english man who had come over to me once he'd left asking if he could come with me too.
So the two of us set off back towards Khao San Rd, the heart of BK's backpacker community. (When I had gone through arrivals, when asked to write my Thai address I'd simply written Khao San Rd, which amused the guide somewhat!)

When me and the teacher, on his school holidays, arrived we went our separate ways- me to a hostel I knew well- cheap, easy and clean and him towards the main street in search of a last night in Thailand he wouldn't forget before flying home.

So that evening I chilled alone for the first time in weeks feeling perfectly happy whiling away the evening at My House on the sofas eating Thai green curry, drinking Chang (!) and watching films with the rest of the hostel.

The following morning I set off back to the airport to go and meet Marnie, who had decided she'd like to join me for a few weeks in Thailand.

It felt very bizarre that within a matter of a few hours I would be seeing my friend. It had felt like months since I'd been at home, and anything 'normal' felt worlds away right now.

It was exciting to see her and almost unreal.

We headed back to the hostel where I was staying and on the there who should we see but Merel!

After all Marnies travelling we took a short walk around the local area but just mainly chilled out at the hostel and while Marnie slept I went to sort out a blocked bankcard, only then to bump into phillip! Yet again me and Phillip and Merel were to be reunited!

That evening the four of us went out to get some food together- going on Phillips instruction we were heading to a restaurant that he'd stumbled on the day before and had taken a shine to. Only thing was it was less of a restaurant than a hole in a wall down an alley, which served only papaya salad and chicken curry which was more chicken cartridge than anything I would consider curry!

After having eaten not so well we parted ways with Phillip who had plans to meet with some others, and me Marnie and Merel whiled the evening away at a road side regaee bar, drinking buckets of Sangsom, who's slogan was "we don't check I'd."

Saturday morning came and me and Marnie headed to the Weekend market- aptly named as it was on Saturdays and Sundays.

This place was HUGE. You wanted clothes, they had it. You wanted a chair, they had it. You wanted a massive machete, they had it. Everything you could dream of was there. We were there for like four hours and I am in no doubt I didn't even see a quarter of the place.

The ride back from the market was just as entertaining as the market itself. Convinced he was a rally driver trapped in the body of a tuk tuk driver, our driver raced through the streets of Bangkok as if his life depended on it. (When in fact my life depended on it, and at one or two time when the tuk tuk was lifted on to only two wheels as he's skidded around buses, I saw it flash before my eyes!)

Arriving back at the hostel we had just enough time to eat some fried rice and yet again say goodbyes to Merel and Phillip before catching a night bus to the first of our island stops- Koh Tao.

...And goodbye to Bangkok once again. It had been a pleasure and I'd no doubt be seeing her again soon!

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