Sunday 18 December 2011

Travelling means...

Smelling you clothes before you put them on to see if they're clean

Forgetting what it feels like to wear shoes other than flip-flops

Learning new words like schooner and ting-tong

Been woken up by people in your dorm having very loud sex

No longer caring about wearing socks more than once

Using your scarf as a blanket, pillow, sarong and towel

Taking overnight transport just to save on accommodation costs

Having to use a shower over a toilet

Stealing toilet roll from every cafe you visit

Choosing where to eat based on whether the place has wifi or not

Never knowing what day of the week it is

Going places your never planned to go

Overcoming fears

Randomly choosing things off the menu and hoping for the best

Drinking more alcohol that you have in your life

Always never knowing your way around

Nothing ever tasting like it does back home

Being able to drive a scooter without a licence

paying to spend a night in a room no better than a shed

Impromptu karaoke nights lasting till the early morning

Drinking alcohol but the bucket, just not just the glass

Learning to like beer because its cheap

Nursing a hangover while lying on the beach

Doing activities you'd never do back home like trekking and climbing

Seeing more temples/mosques/churches than you'd ever dreamed of

Getting up at 5am, just to see the sunrise

Truly appreciating clean clothes

Haggling over 10p

Fearing for your life while the locals laugh at your when on a boat in a storm

Being offered drugs while you walk down the street

Bribing police officers

Meeting people from all over the world

Being a million miles from home and still managing to bump into someone you know!

Seeing the most beautiful sunsets of your life

Making friends for life

Hearing stories that put your life into prospective

Having near death experiences

Having some nights you will never forget

Having some nights you'd rather forget!

Being dropped of a bus in the middle of nowhere and having the faith you'll be picked up again by the next one

Sometimes making really bad decisions

Being spontaneous

Looking out for the friends you make knowing they'd do the same for you

Being overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers

Learning things about yourself you never knew

Pushing yourself to do things you didn't think you could do

Having one song that reminds you of the good times

Being upstaged my a ten year old when they call a huge spider little

Laughing until you cry

Not being able to sit at the back of a bus because its reserved for monks

Missing the people you love the most everyday.

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