Thursday 2 February 2012

Sydney: An Introspective

I've loved living in Sydney more than I ever thought I would. Somehow I really landed on my feet when I arrived here. Not only did I get I job that I really quite strangely enjoyed working with some of the most loveliest people, I've worked with Kym Campbell at her beautiful home at the beach helping with her record label; I've spent time staying in a gorgeous boutiquey suburb then in a kick-ass harbour side flat, dated one amazing guy, and I had the best of both the city and beach life.

Thats not to say that every is moment has been perfect mind you. There have been times I've felt like the most loneliest person in the world, homesick to my stomach and over worked and underpaid.

However, it takes a certain strength of character to pull yourself through those feelings and to carry on knowing that its a phase that will pass and you won't feel that way for long. As soon as you remember that things are already improving. Everything you do in life takes effort and happiness and contentment are no different.

If there's one lesson to be learnt from travelling it is this: everything you do in life is your decision. If you want something, get it. If you want to go somewhere, go. If you want to change something, change it. The only thing that is stopping you is yourself.

Too many times in my life have I half-heartedly tried to achieve something and then wondered why things didn't work out . It makes me realise that I probably didn't want those things at all, because when I really wanted something nothing got in my way. Excuses were no longer valid and potential problems no longer existed.

Unhappiness is just a state of mind, not a way of life. Happiness can be influenced most certainly by external factors, in both a postive and negative way, but not soley. Happiness can also come from within.

Basically what it all comes down to is this: Its your life, you only get one, so live it.

Embrace the good times, get through the bad. Cry at the sad times, cry with laughter at the best times. They're all life changing and form our memories, build our characters and personalities. But in the end, the times you most want to remember are the happiest so decide to make everything something you want to do, nothings stopping you.

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